Thursday, June 17, 2010


So. Everyone always wants summer to come. But then, when it finally gets here, it rains. At least, that's what it's been doing here for the past week. It stinks. It's so wet and nasty and cold. Summer is supposed to be sunny and bright and full of happiness and beaches, but here it is just pouring. And pouring. And, hey look at that, pouring some more! Well, it cleared up for now, but I have a feeling that it will continue. Although, this weekend it is supposed to be nice. Key word: supposed. But, oh well.

On an entirely different subject, Rite Aid was all out of Silly Bandz. And so was Kinneys. And Tops. And the dollar store. And the Big M. But, I still have the red pig that my friend gave me. His name is Phil. So, I shall wear Phil until there are more Silly Bandz about. I am tired, and I don't feel like writing any more, so byu.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Silly bandz

There is this totally strange thing at my school where everyone wheres stupid plastic bracelets that spring into strange shapes. They are called Silly Bandz. The most stupid idea ever, and the CEO must be making bazillions. I thought that we were more mature, at my school. When I read an article about it in the paper, I thought "No way is that ever coming to me. We're too old for that crap." But, alas, I was wrong. They were deemed "cool" so everyone has them now. There are monkeys and pigs and frogs and crowns and baseballs and words and swords and every thing you could ever think of. Even the boys have them, although upon first sight they dubbed them "girly". Well, at least they won't have to spend all their pocket money on cheap rubber bands that will be out of fashion in a month anyway. My science teacher said we should just buy colored rubber bands and call them "o"s. I developed new respect for my science teacher. What puzzles me is that everyone loves some kinds, but not others, and they will trade a pig and a turtle and a crown for a simple tree frog. This makes no sense, since all of them cost the same. The person that traded three is getting totally ripped off while the one that gave up the tree frog just gained two silly bandz. Ah, well. Adolescents mystify me, even though I am one. This fad will pass, and the rubber bands will end up in land fills and add to some environmental problem, but for now, I'm going to Rite Aid to get me some Silly Bandz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I'm back! And just in time for summer break, too. So, since I stopped writing, lets see, my BF broke up with me, my best friends got even crazier (if that's even possible), I did stuff, went places, and made a fool of my self. One example of making a fool of myself was deciding to participate in "Just Dance" on the Wii in front of 20 other kids, many of whom had video recording cell phones. So, needless to say, that was all over Facebook in the next 24 hrs. Not the brightest crayon in the box, now, are we? Nope, definitely NOT. And the worst part wasn't the choreographed dance moves, it was definitely my victory dance afterward, where I screamed and just generally embarrassed myself. Yup, not the sparkliest of the sequins. So, I bid you farewell until another time when I am so dead bored and don't really feel like going on YouTube and watching small British children bite each others fingers or disoriented, laughing-gas drugged seven year olds on car rides, after having their teeth pulled. So, goooooooooood byeeeeeeeeeeee!