Saturday, January 30, 2010


Yes, yes. I have been gone for 8 days. But it is NOT MY FAULT! I swear! The computer got a virus, and it had to got to the computer repair place. And when it got home, it almost lost iTunes, which I have invested about $200 in, by the way. I am not very happy with AVG, our coverage that's SUPPOSED to protect us. Yeah, mmmmhmmmmm, sure, whatever. And, on top of that, I recently found out that our dance is in 5 FREAKIN' DAYS, and I have no plans, no dress, nobody to go with. Luckily, my friend let me borrow her dress, I have plans with her and that's who I'll be arriving with, although she is DEFINITELY not my date. Nuh-uh, never! And anyway, so I'm wearing her dress from last year. And - surprise, surprise - my mom will not get me a new dress, but the one I'm wearing is (I admit it) really, really, really, really, really cute. And in a mere12 days, it will be WINTER BREAK!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! No school for 10 whole days! 109 days of nothing to do, boredom, wishing you were e=where all your friends are :VACATION! But I haven't been on a vacation in 5 years, unless you count the road trip to see my grandparents in Maine every year. I was supposed to go to Maine for my 10th birthday, but that came and went, with a trip to thunder island instead.

On an entirely different subject (ADHD much?), today I went to this fundraiser arobics dance thing, called Zumba, and it was really fun. My mom wouldn't do it, even though she promised to try, but so what, you know? It was awesome, but I got intensely sweaty. Then again, most people do when they dance really hard for 2 hours straight, but it really helped raise money for the softball team.

Again to a different subject, On Saturday, I went to a basketball game with the team. 7th grade lost, 33 to 10, but 8th did worse, 51 to 9. That's it, MUST WATCH SIMPSONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll post about my absolute favorite TV show ever (BONES!!) and how awesome it is :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) : :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D I <3 BONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, and bye!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Freaking out, and why it's useless

Today, I had reason to freak out. 1) I had a huge written spelling bee, and I was absolutely teeeeeeeeeeerifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiied that I would actually get in to the oral spelling bee, and have to spell in front of like a billion people. I didn't even think about the consequences when I decided to try my best on the test. Yeah, real smart of me. Especially considering that I have stage fright in front of audiences that aren't at my school. And when they were calling the top spellers, I also had to worry about the fact that I wouldn't be able to make it up to the stage because i was petrified that I might be called. And you might think this is really dumb, but I was terrified. And I had had a whole cup of coffee, so that didn't help with the hyperventilating problem. And for my second freak out, my ipod wouldn't work. Its settings were just messed up, and i fixed it, but did some one tell my that at 2 pm, when my ipod didn't react to my command, to my song selection, to my annoyed pressing of buttons? NO. No one was there to tell me that my ipod would not die a horrible death. And. So. I. Freaked. Out. End of story. i went to I searched owners manuals. And I finally fixed it. All by my big girl self. And. Freaking out did absolutely nothing in both situations, so now you see my point. Freaking out is pointless. Goodbye, my reader.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time and manager and blah blah blah blah blah...

So. I was reading "As told by JinnyD", a very good blog, and she brought up a very good point. There. Is. Never. Enough. Time. Ever. Get over it. But my stupid, optimistic mind is having a hard time wrapping its little fickle self around that concept, SO I have to make it learn (never becoming a teacher) to accept that. For instance, I have NO idea what in the HECK my mind was thinking when it decided to make my hand fly up into the air to be girls basketball manager when I couldn't come to half the practices because GUESS WHAT my stupid little mind already got me into book club and Secretary of Student council and a band solo and Science Olympiad and now I will be getting home at 6:15 every night except for Tuesdays and Thursdays, when I will get home at 4:15 because I have Band and Science Olympiad. School ends at 3:15. NEVER going to see the school buses again. EVER. How sad *dripping with sarcasm*. Anyway.... enough about me. No, wait. I changed my mind More about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Am'nt I just SO non-arrogant? I know, right? Soooo, anyway. Now I am manager of girls basketball and all that other stuff and I have a spelling bee to go to next Saturday. Big, important, get you into Nationals spelling bee. And, on TOP of all of that I'm probably supposed to be at a game AAAAAAAAAND a science olympiad practice. AAAAAAAAAAAND I have to keep straight A's. AAAAAAND I can't quit anything because I already quit. Chorus. On top of every single one of those facts, I still have a kids life with friends and fights and homework to deal with. SO. Enough, I must go stress about finals. Yeah, great. ANOTHER thing to worry about. Uh-uh. I don't feel like stressing. so I am going to stay right here and let all of you people read about my miserableishness. MWAHAHAHA *evil music plays* *cue the thunder* *outline of tree against dark window, glimpse of storm outside*. i could write a horror movie. N E WAY, yeah. HECTIC. And, now I am listening to my dads annoying old people music. :P Blech. Yup. My life. In a blog. In ONE paragraph, I can sum up my day. And THAT is because I'm just cool like that. Nope, jk. It's because I'm boring.

So, Luuuuuuuuurrrrrrrvvvvvve you guys. Byeeeeeeeee.

P.S. If you see a Rosie or a Rosaleen in the national spelling bee, that's meeeee! But I will 99.9999999% positively not make it that far. So, bye for today.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Who did it?

OK, so I have absolutely no idea who added that blog. My name is Rosie, not Rose. Who knows my password? Come on, my password is spelled wrong! If you didn't see it, it suggested that I actually write songs (yeah, right). Did I do it while sleep walking? Do I have short term memory loss, and dementia for thinking that I could actually write songs? I write books, not songs! And no, you cannot read anything I write because it is really bad.
Anyway, on a randomly different subject (I don't have ADH- Omigod! moose!), I'm going to a sledding party tomorrow! Yay! And I plan to get freezing cold, with snow in my jacket, and have a blast!!!!!!!! Because, you know, that's how I roll. Jk.
On to another random subject. I'm sorry, but you might never see a picture of me (what a shame). I can give you one from, like, 3rd grade, but my stupid camera cord got lost. If seen, please call 1-800-No-Way-Stalkers-Haha.
On to another random subject!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaay!!!!!! So, I need advice. Sooooooon. What do you say to your best friend when her boyfriend cheats on her and she finds out and gets really mad? I already did the "draw a basic face, pretend it is him, and let her exaggerate all of his worst features". I already did the "OK, so I will beat him up at school, on Monday" thing, which I would never have the guts to do, because he is like 6 feet tall, and two years older than I am. All I have managed to do in her defense is to cough "loser" at him when he walks by, and that just made him confused, because he and his friend were talking about good athletes, and when I coughed, he just thought that his friend had said the name of this boy who is really nerdy, so I accomplished nothing. He says "Ruger? He sucks!" *Sigh* Oh well. Goodbye, my readers!

Friday, January 15, 2010

What you got yourself into...

You should know that I rant and ramble and talk to myself and generally don't make sense A LOT! Therefore, I use this blog as an insanity braindump, so people I don't know, and will never meet get to crack up in front of the computer screen at my weirdness (I see the smile) instead of people that could spread this around the school and laugh at my face, not my profile picture on the computer screen. For instance, you know when you're insane when you try to open the back of the TV to let all the little people out. I did that once, but the little bastards hid. JK, JK. Anyway, my insanity brain dump today is a (very short) rant about the unfairness of idiots in gym.

Ok. So in gym, this boy is making fun of me for being 3rd when we had to run 5 laps around the track. But I almost told him to, ummmm... this blog would be rated R if I typed it but you get the point. Anyway, after that, he is making fun of me for my horrible suckish basketball playing. While he was talking I took a shot, and won the game! I got to laugh at him after that. :)

Goodbye, my one reader.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Math (which I extensively dislike), and my odd ramblings

I extensively dislike (AKA hate) math. I do not see the point in sticking 20 kids in a small, hot classroom while listening to a teacher drone on about pi. Who in the heck cares about pi? 3.14159... blah blah blah blah blah. I have news for Mr Fowler: NOBODY GIVES A CRAP. I sit there, writing everything on the board down, not understanding. He has it so everyone is afraid to rest for a second, because he will come up behind us, and scare us. I understand division, addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but why oh why would I use something as pointless as algebra in real life unless I want to be a math teacher? I understand needing to know 5x5=25, but why do I need to know stupid, useless, hard algebra?

On a completely different subject, I was thinking that when people say "Get a life", it isn't really that much of an offense. I mean, everyone is alive. So they have a life. People should say "Live your life", because they have a life, they just aren't living it. That was completely random. 'K so everyone reading this has probably figured out that I'm random, geeky, weird, slightly insane, and suprisingly, within my friends, I'm one of the normal ones. So my friends are insane. Ok, so my friends are insane. I can live with that. Yes, I repeat myself often. But some of them (yes, I'm looking at your picture, Brigid) are annoyingly normal. Not insane at all, unless you count their insane, neurotic, annoying boyfriends (Troy!!!!!). You see, my boyfriend isn't neurotic, annoying, or insane. *Sigh* Not everybody can have him, so Brigid must make the best of Helen (Troy's nickname, it comes from Helen of Troy). So, goodbye my (one) readers. Have a nice night.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hello, all of you readers

Hey. I'm Rosie. I am somewhere between the ages of 1 and 150. More towards 1, though.
I am a pretty much boring person, so if you hate boring people, stop reading NOW. There. If you are still reading this, you have agreed to read the rest of this pointless intro to a semi-pointless blog. Just to let you know, I am in middle school. Enough said, because you probably gathered from that that I'm very easily annoyed, but you can't hear my annoyed swear, because unless you are my parents (which, if you are, I might be swearing more than usual) you will not be able to hear me. I am probably at least 100 miles away. I live at 000 Nowhere rd, None of your business, Stalker, USA 10000. Or 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, if you would like to kid yourself that you are following a first kid's blog. Anyway, I am the kind of student who wins spelling bees (I'm looking at you, knockoff gold trophy with plastic mannequin), so if you hate me now, I understand. Many people do. If you hate nerds who are in waaaaay too many extra-curricular activities, stop reading NOW. Now you have agreed to read the semi-pointless blog about the life of a nerd. Wow. What the heck have you gotten yourself into? So, I have now filtered out everybody who has absolutely NO interest in my life whatsoever. Good. Now all of you stragglers buckle down for some serious nerdy, semi-pointless writing. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!