Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hello, all of you readers

Hey. I'm Rosie. I am somewhere between the ages of 1 and 150. More towards 1, though.
I am a pretty much boring person, so if you hate boring people, stop reading NOW. There. If you are still reading this, you have agreed to read the rest of this pointless intro to a semi-pointless blog. Just to let you know, I am in middle school. Enough said, because you probably gathered from that that I'm very easily annoyed, but you can't hear my annoyed swear, because unless you are my parents (which, if you are, I might be swearing more than usual) you will not be able to hear me. I am probably at least 100 miles away. I live at 000 Nowhere rd, None of your business, Stalker, USA 10000. Or 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, if you would like to kid yourself that you are following a first kid's blog. Anyway, I am the kind of student who wins spelling bees (I'm looking at you, knockoff gold trophy with plastic mannequin), so if you hate me now, I understand. Many people do. If you hate nerds who are in waaaaay too many extra-curricular activities, stop reading NOW. Now you have agreed to read the semi-pointless blog about the life of a nerd. Wow. What the heck have you gotten yourself into? So, I have now filtered out everybody who has absolutely NO interest in my life whatsoever. Good. Now all of you stragglers buckle down for some serious nerdy, semi-pointless writing. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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