Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Math (which I extensively dislike), and my odd ramblings

I extensively dislike (AKA hate) math. I do not see the point in sticking 20 kids in a small, hot classroom while listening to a teacher drone on about pi. Who in the heck cares about pi? 3.14159... blah blah blah blah blah. I have news for Mr Fowler: NOBODY GIVES A CRAP. I sit there, writing everything on the board down, not understanding. He has it so everyone is afraid to rest for a second, because he will come up behind us, and scare us. I understand division, addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but why oh why would I use something as pointless as algebra in real life unless I want to be a math teacher? I understand needing to know 5x5=25, but why do I need to know stupid, useless, hard algebra?

On a completely different subject, I was thinking that when people say "Get a life", it isn't really that much of an offense. I mean, everyone is alive. So they have a life. People should say "Live your life", because they have a life, they just aren't living it. That was completely random. 'K so everyone reading this has probably figured out that I'm random, geeky, weird, slightly insane, and suprisingly, within my friends, I'm one of the normal ones. So my friends are insane. Ok, so my friends are insane. I can live with that. Yes, I repeat myself often. But some of them (yes, I'm looking at your picture, Brigid) are annoyingly normal. Not insane at all, unless you count their insane, neurotic, annoying boyfriends (Troy!!!!!). You see, my boyfriend isn't neurotic, annoying, or insane. *Sigh* Not everybody can have him, so Brigid must make the best of Helen (Troy's nickname, it comes from Helen of Troy). So, goodbye my (one) readers. Have a nice night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...