Saturday, January 23, 2010

Freaking out, and why it's useless

Today, I had reason to freak out. 1) I had a huge written spelling bee, and I was absolutely teeeeeeeeeeerifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiied that I would actually get in to the oral spelling bee, and have to spell in front of like a billion people. I didn't even think about the consequences when I decided to try my best on the test. Yeah, real smart of me. Especially considering that I have stage fright in front of audiences that aren't at my school. And when they were calling the top spellers, I also had to worry about the fact that I wouldn't be able to make it up to the stage because i was petrified that I might be called. And you might think this is really dumb, but I was terrified. And I had had a whole cup of coffee, so that didn't help with the hyperventilating problem. And for my second freak out, my ipod wouldn't work. Its settings were just messed up, and i fixed it, but did some one tell my that at 2 pm, when my ipod didn't react to my command, to my song selection, to my annoyed pressing of buttons? NO. No one was there to tell me that my ipod would not die a horrible death. And. So. I. Freaked. Out. End of story. i went to I searched owners manuals. And I finally fixed it. All by my big girl self. And. Freaking out did absolutely nothing in both situations, so now you see my point. Freaking out is pointless. Goodbye, my reader.

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